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Brexit Preparations

By: Tom Leahy | Posted on: 23 Jul 2019

Brexit Preparations


Now we know who the leader of the Conservative Party is and who the next Prime Minister of the UK will be, it’s important to reflect on what changes are likely to occur in the context of Brexit and potential impact for your business. Attached you will find the “Brexit Preparedness Checklist” which has recently been developed by the Department of Business, Enterprise, and Innovation.


As deadline date of 31st October 2019 draws closer, it is imperative that businesses take action to prepare and plan for Brexit, notwithstanding the current uncertainty.


Minister Heather Humphreys T.D, has published this checklist to help businesses with their preparations. The checklist lists a range of actions that businesses can take now to ensure that they will still be able to trade with the UK after it leaves the EU. The actions identified address topics such as Customs, Supply Chain, Product Certification as well as Government financial supports to help manage Cashflow and Currency Management.  The checklist also provides contact details for the various Government Departments and Agencies that provide support and advice for businesses preparing Brexit.


I hope that you find this checklist of assistance in any preparations you are undertaking regard Brexit.



Tom Leahy –
